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Hot HIIT with Rory | 60 Min

New Releases • 1h 4m

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  • Peak Performance with Phoenix | 45 Mi...

    Train with Phoenix to race past your goals, crush your output and improve your performance. This metric-driven ride challenges you to improve your form, core strength, cardiovascular health and beat your personal best.

    This Sweat Live class was originally streamed on April 26, 2021

  • Rock The Bells With Dustin | 60 Min |...

    Get stronger and leaner with purpose and precision in this full-body-shredding weight-lifting sweat session. This strength class has a highly coached environment to take your physique and fitness to new heights.

    This Sweat Live class was originally streamed on May 28, 2021

  • Rhythm & Flow with Carmelinda | 60 Mi...

    Practice with Carmelinda to connect with the rhythm of your body and shake off the stress of the day in this liberating, energizing class that combines elements of yoga, pilates, dance, and cardio. You’ll sweat, dance, and feel inspired in your expression as you build full-body strength and a str...