Full Body HIIT with David, Sweat Live Feb 11, 2021
HIIT cardio, boxing and weights as you get strong and shredded from top to bottom in this S&T signature 3-station, definition building class. The beats will be bumping and the sweat will be dripping. Full Body HIIT is the most efficient ticket to your transformation.
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Full Body HIIT with David, Sweat Live...
HIIT cardio, boxing and weights as you get strong and shredded from top to bottom in this S&T signature 3-station, definition building class. The beats will be bumping and the sweat will be dripping. Full Body HIIT is the most efficient ticket to your transformation.
Full Body HIIT: All Fired Up with Dav...
Get strong and shredded from top to bottom in the at-home version of this S&T signature class that takes you through 3 stations: cardio, shadowboxing, and strength training. The beats will be bumping and the sweat will be dripping. 3D is the most efficient ticket to your transformation. What ...
Booty HIIT with David | 60 Min | House
Grow, shape, and strengthen one of the body’s biggest assets by grinding it out in this sweaty, HIIT-based workout. Focus on form and technique to maximize every move. Get it right. Get it tight. What you'll need for Sweat Live: a yoga mat Optional: booty band, free weights, towel, water
This Sw...